Friday, November 9, 2007

Pakistan, the abyss of American fear

The past few days in Pakistan have brought a mix of hope and sadness to all who have been following closely. I realized, however, as I was watching the online stream of GEO, the UAE-based private news network which has been taken off the air in Pakistan (along with most other private news outlets), that the courage of the news media stands in such stark contrast with the response from the White House these past few days. Why are we not taking a stand against the choking of the free press, the arbitrary arrest and detention of opposition activists and lawyers, the dismantling of an independent judiciary? The answer: Fear. Our government is paralyzed with fear as to what would happen if Pakistan's dictatorship ended, terrified that less pro-American forces would take over. Is this really the best we can do? Hold on to an oppressive tin-pot dictator who is clearly unpopular among his population? Lest there be any doubt, the only reason the Pakistani population is not on the streets is because they are afraid of losing their life and liberty. Thus, by supporting Musharraf both politically and financially, we are preventing Pakistan from reaching that tipping point where the people rise up and take back their rights, their liberties. This is what the war on terror has become. Shame on us! Never before has history seen such cowardice on the part of those who ought to be leading the world!

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