Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Fascinating analysis of Colbert's appearance on Meet the Press.
clipped from www.nytimes.com

The Gospel According to Mr. Colbert

“I’m doing it, Tim, because I think that our country is facing unprecedented challenges in the future,” Mr. Colbert said. “I think the junctures that we face are both critical and unforeseen, and the real challenge is how we will respond to these junctures, be they critical, or God help us, unforeseen.”

ut the message I draw from Mr. Colbert is not that members of the media-political complex need to laugh at themselves, but that they need to take a hard look. The incipient generation of news consumers has made it clear that it does not want to see a bunch of guys with really nice neckware standing on the White House lawn talking about what they did not learn in the press room behind them and then flick at “sources” who suggest that “one thing is clear.”

One thing is, in fact, clear, from the plummeting numbers for network news: the jig is up.

 blog it

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